Avaliação do uso das geotecnologias como recurso didático nas aulas de geografia / Evaluation of the use of geotechnologies as didactic resources in geography lessons


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation aimed to explore and measure the effectiveness of using new technologies, including geotechnologies, as auxiliary resource in geography lessons elementary schools. To achieve these objectives, an educational methodology was developed and evaluated in order to provide educators with access to digital maps that could be used by students, and also to contribute to more dynamic classes through the use of more current material, as satellites images, besides instigate the interest of the students in wanting to learn more about issues related to spatial representation and understanding. As part of the methodology, questionnaires were applied to teachers with the purpose of identifing and selecting the subjects that were part of the digital educational modules (developed in Flash) and the content of databases to use TerraView GIS and Google Earth. To evaluate the instructional materials produced the methodology was applied in Brazil, in Escola Estadual Effie Rolfs (Viçosa-MG)and in four schools in Guinea-Bissau (Escola Normal Superior Tchico Te, Liceu João XXIII, Liceu Dr. Agostinho Neto, Liceu Nacional Kwame Krumah), one of them was the under graduation institute for teachers. It was also carried out a literature about the situation related to the use of technology in elementary and secondary education in some Portuguese-speaking countries. The results were satisfactory, i.e, pointed to the benefits of using new technologies evaluated as auxiliaries to traditional teaching methods, therefore the insertion of geotechnlogies in the school has facilitated the understanding of the studied subjects (scale and geographic coordinates), thus providing a significant gains in students’ performance and in the case of Guinea-Bissau, contributed to the process of digital inclusion and helped in reducing the shortage of teaching materials.


geotecnologias ensino de geografia ensino de cartografia cartografia basica geotechnologies teaching geography teaching cartography

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