Avaliação do sistema de vigilância da encefalopatia espongiforme bovina no Brasil




The prevention of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is focused on the barriers to the introduction on the infectious agent and its amplification within the BSE/cattle system. No BSE case has ever been reported in Brazil. The country applied restriction aimed at preventing the introduction of BSE and implemented risk mitigation measures in order to avoid any possible recycling of the agent, should it be in the country. The BSE surveillance system coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food supply (MAPA) is supported by a data bank since 2001, which was thoroughly analyzed with a view to check its adequacy in relation to the standards set by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE). The crude analysis of data collected between 2001 and 2004 revealed that Brazil fulfills the target points set by the OIE. However, a more in-depth stratified analysis showed a number of weaknesses. First of all, the samples are strongly concentrated in a few states. Most rabies negative animals as well as emergency slaughter are generated in Mato Grosso do Sul, mostly an extensive beef producing region. Likewise, clinical suspects and fallen stock come mostly from Rio Grande do Sul. In addition, there are too many samples from young animals. In order to assess the extent of problem of regional concentration, each sample was weighed according to its origin, in relation to frequency of the use of concentrate feedstuffs in each state. This analysis confirmed that it is necessary to intensify surveillance efforts in states such as Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Paraná, where cattle tend to be more frequently exposed to BSE risk factors. In conclusion, although Brazil has come a long way towards the implementation of sound measures for preventing BSE, its surveillance system included, the current sensitivity of the surveillance procedures is lower than a crude analysis seems to indicate and can be greatly improved by targeting surveillance efforts at clinical suspects in states and production systems where concentrate feeding is more likely to be found.


medicina veterinaria surveillance bovine spongiform encephalopathy medidas de mitigação de risco vigilância epidemiológica encefalopatia espongiforme bovina risk mitigation measures

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