Avaliação do estado de colaboração logística entre indústria de bens de consumo e redes de varejo supermercadista. / Evaluation of the collaborative logistic between consumers packaged goods and retail market.




The partnerships between the firms on supply chain are increasing due to: competition, domain by large companies, necessity the increase of logistic efficiency, at the same time, due to necessity of logistic costs reduction. The relationship study of partnerships can mean on the best knowledge the necessities of each participant on this chain. This thesis aims to study the state of collaborative logistic in the retail market chain in Brazil. The objectives are: (a) to identify and to evaluate the main collaborative elements between the industry and retail chain partners; (b) to identify which elements the partners consider more important for the construct of collaboration concept; (c) to evaluate the effect of the collaboration in the retail market chain, in special on the logistic performance and the transaction costs. The theories and knowledge related to the research are collaboration in supply chains, the logistic performance and the economy transaction costs. The methodology consists of qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative one that was carried through in a big retail chain had as objective to understand and to evaluate the logistic operations. This study also served as the foreward for construction and analysis of the quantitative research. This research is composed by 125 representatives of the industry and had as objective to construct a collaborative model. This model could be used to evaluate the objectives and to serve as starting point for future research. For this, multivaried statistical analysis was used as a way to test the research results. These research results showed that the main collaborative elements, according to participants, can be classified in three factors: factor of strategical integration (composed by the elements of strategic integration), factor of tactical integration (composed by the elements joint actions, logistic sharing of costs and profits, sharing of logistic and commercial information) and factor intangible collaboration (composed by interpersonal elements). The interpersonal elements form the partnership base, contribute for a bigger intensity of collaboration in comparison to others and influence the construction of a sustainable relationship. On the other hand, the collaboration on the sharing basis of the costs and logistic profits has the lesser intensity. The collaborative strategical elements, although to be important in this process, they are still few explored, as such by companies, as much in the literature of collaborative logistic in the retail chain. Moreover, the results had shown that the participants consider as more important, for the collaborative process, the elements of confidence, reciprocity, interaction between the functional areas, information sharing and objectives and joint goals. The conclusions are: some of these collaborative elements tend to develop into partnership or integration and that others tend only a stage of coordination of the logistic activities in the retail chain. Some collaborative elements influence positively the logistic performance of the firms, mainly when it concerns a differentiated logistic performance (urgent deliveries and deliveries in periods of high demand) and carried through by large companies. The increase in strategic collaboration and joint actions contributes for the reduction of uncertainties between the participants and these joint actions contribute for the increase of investment in specific assets.


colaboração varejo retail market collaboration custos de transação transaction costs desempenho logístico logistics performance

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