Avaliação do ensino de auditoria nos cursos de graduação de ciências contábeis : uma pesquisa exploratória


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The research was mainly designed to evaluate the auditing teaching in undergraduate accounting courses. The evaluation process necessarily implies the selection of a parameter for reference purposes. For several reasons which are listed in the paper, the proposition put to the 16th Session of the UN Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts International Standards of Accounting and Reporting ("ISAR") held in Geneve, Switzerland. The syllabi provided in reply to our requests were compared with the basic contents of the suggested curriculum, which is divided into 13 sub-headings, each containing several topics of the main subject. As a result of this comparison, one concludes that the analyzed syllabi contained in the sample are well below the proposition requirements. By comparing the average syllabi contents with the suggested curriculum, it can be seen that only 28% of the requirements is complied with. An analysis of each item and sub-heading leads to the even more striking conclusions, e.g., the 3% reached by the "Evaluation of Computer-Based Corporate Systems" sub heading. Also, we asked for information on the books recommended in the courses. The answers to this question inspired the preparation of a comparative table of the three most commonly recommended books and that mentioned in the proposition, all with a view to determining the adherence level. Curiously enough, the average was 28%, the same as in the previous comparison. The information on the amount of time assigned to auditing classes showed that this time accounts for only 6% or approximately 150 classes/hours of the total course time/classes. As regards the professors background, we found that. most of them do not even hold a master s degree and only two have a doctor s degree. As a corollary of this paper, some suggestions for academic research were made and propositions were put forward to coordinators of the "IES:" accounting courses, the Federal Accounting Board and the Ministry of Education and Sports.


ciencias contabeis auditoria - estudo e ensino contabilidade - estudo e ensino (superior) accounting auditing

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