Avaliação do desempenho de empresas do setor de incorporação imobiliária




The objective of this research is to study the variables and indicators used to evaluate the performance of real estate development companies. This research was based on the variables and indicators disclosed to the market by real estate companies listed on Bovespa, members of the Bovespa index, and the reports published by market analysts. A questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection, featuring a return of 63 responses from 136 requests. For this we used statistical tool Factor Analysis, divided into two groups: variables used by business and real estate development indicators adopted by enterprises of real estate. The data analysis demonstrate the vision of the capital market on the management process, identify which variables are most important in the process of performance evaluation, identify the most relevant indicators for the sector analysis, collect qualitative information, not disclosed by companies industry and not used by analysts, who have demonstrated great importance in the evaluation of performance, study the influence of these variables and these indicators in the management of these companies.


teoria da contingência incorporação imobiliária real estate development ciencias contabeis contingency theory avaliação de desempenho performance appraisal

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