Avaliação do comportamento fisico-quimico-mecanico de misturas cimento-cinza-casca de arroz por meio de corpos-de-prova cilindricos e placas prensadas




The recycling is an effective tool to minimize environmental impact that is caused by human civilization. The utilization agricultural residual for rural construction is an efficient way for retain or reduce carbon emission to the atmosphere. However, the present-day techno logy is not enough to be a satisfactory level. A part of the residue is not consumed, and the rejected substances are causing environmental pollution. However, the vegetable aggregates can be employed to lightweight cement artifacts production, which is applied to thermal and acoustic isolators. This work look for a method for light artifacts production with minor cement consumption and larger rice husk (HUSK) consumption, with the help of the rice husk burned by a special industrial process (ASH). The ash and rice husk addition percentages had varied in function of the type of mixture (paste or composite). The different gotten mixtures cement-ash-rice husk been grouped in PHASES, in accordance with the type of mixture (Paste or Composite), the amount of rice husk (7.5% in Phases I and II; variable in Phases III and IV) and the amount of ash (0%, 5%, 20% and 35%, in phase I and of 0%, 20% and 35%, in the too much phases). For a biological material, the rice husk presented behavior changeable physic-chemistry-mechanic. A analyze synthesis is presented on the end each phase; this is necessary of the great volume of the information (interaction between the factors HUSK and ASH). Evaluations of the chemical, physical and mechanical behavior of cementash- rice husk mixtures are presented. The evaluations had evidenced through the chemical behavior of the mixtures, the negative effect of the extractives of the rice husk (Washed in Lime Solution) on the chemical reactions of the cement - hydration curve (temperature against time), the its reduction with the ash addition, independently of the particles size range. The high carbon content (98%) of the ash attributed the improvement to the chemical behavior of the mixtures. The reductions observed in some chemical parameters, with the ash addition, are associated with the increase of mass in the system. The behavior physical-mechanical evaluation of the mixtures evidenced that the rice husk addition increase the resistance in Brazilian test, with reduction in the resistance in simple compression. The ash addition promoted increase in this resistance. The evaluation of the board manufacturing evidenced an absence of significant difference between the mixtures, fact also evidenced in phase III. The ash addition not is significant affect in the mechanical resistance properties. The mixture 10 mm-35% proposed from at the production of composite, have reduction in the cement consumption in about 25%. In detach for 10 mm-35% mixture, presented the higher capacity of retain or reduce carbon dioxide emission. The capacity of to confine was estimated to in about 1.9 tons of CO2 for each ton of cement consumed in the process of manufacture of the composite, what would be emitted for the atmosphere, when of the burning of the rice husk, on the use or in the inadequate deposit. Keyywords: ash; calorimetric, cement; composite; rice husk


construções rurais farm buildings agricultural residues building materials residuos agricolas cinza de casca de arroz materiais de construção calorimetry calorimetria rice husk

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