Avaliação do ciclo de vida do álcool etílico hidratado combustível pelos métodos EDIP, exergia e emergia / Life cycle assessment of hydrated ethylic alcohol fuel by EDIP, exergy and emergy methods




One of the most integrated, complete and efficacious means for the environmental management of productive activities is based on the life cycle of the product, whose main tool is the life cycle assessment. The assessed product is the hydrated ethylic alcohol fuel because of the environmental improvement possibilities during its life cycle, an alternative for fossil fuel and its great strategic importance to Sao Paulo State and Brazil. The goal is the life cycle assessment of hydrated ethylic alcohol fuel using EDIP (Environmental Development of Industrial Products) method and introducing exergy and emergy methods on the impact assessment and valuation. The methodological structure is based on the norms NBR-ISO 14.040 and ISO 14.040 series. The EDIP results show that the sugar cane harvesting activity presents the highest potential impact for the renewable resources consumption, the global warming, the photochemical ozone formation, the acidification and the human toxicity. The soil preparation activity presents the highest potential for the non-renewable resources and the ecotoxicity in water. The cultivation activity presents the highest potential for the nutrient enrichment and the ecotoxicity in soil. With the exergy method, it is verified that for each liter of alcohol consumed, there is an exergy lost by the atmospheric emissions of its life cycle, considering 25% of the total sugar cane cultivated and harvested is not burned, which is equivalent to the exergy of, approximately, 1.38 liter of alcohol. By the emergy method, 69% of the equivalent solar energy consumption is performed by the vehicle. Therefore, in order to achieve an environmentally benign life cycle of the hydrated ethylic alcohol fuel, it is indicated the sugar cane burning elimination, pesticides and fossil fuel reduction and more efficient manners of using alcohol fuel.


exergia emergia exergy Álcool combustível environmental valuation edip adequação ambiental de empresas avaliação de impacto ambiental environmental impact assessment gestão ambiental de processo e produto valoração ambiental edip avaliação do ciclo de vida (acv) fuel alcohol emergy environmental management of process and product life cycle assessment (lca) industries environmental benign

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