Avaliação de um sistema de plantio mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar / Evaluation of a mechanized plantation system of sugarcane




The mechanized plantation system has shown that it is more profitable and viable in an operational point of view than semi-mechanized plantation, that it banish lack of manual labor motivate principally for the mechanization of the harvest. The biometric parameters of the culture, the evaluation of the effective cost and the energy demand of the planters are important for the vegetative development of the sugarcane, for the production costs adjustment and choice power source. Therefore, the objective of the current task was to evaluate the differences between the biometric parameters of a variety submitted to mechanized and semi-mechanized plantation, besides analyzed the energy demand and operational performance in relation to the mobilization of soil by the billet sugarcane planter. In the same way it evaluated the effective capacity of a pricked sugar cane planter, as well as the effective cost of this system, compared to the effective cost of the conventional plantation (semi-mechanized). The conclusion is that the mechanized plantation caused more damage to the buds, reducing the number of viable buds per meter of furrow and of affiliates, increasing the percentage of crop failure and reflecting in a significant reduction of the agricultural productivity. The variables, traction power, power at the traction bar, time consumption and effective field capacity were directly proportional to the increase in speed. On the other hand, the area and volume of mobilized soil, and the operational specific consumption did not suffer significant variation due to the increase in speed. The effective capacity was measured to be 1.11 ha h-1. The effective cost of the mechanized plantation, without involving prior costs (cutting, loading and transportation of the seedlings to the plantation area), showed that it is highly advantageous when compared to the semi-mechanized, which presented a total cost of 216.24 R$ ha-1, compared to 121.00 R$ ha-1, that is, 56% more.


plantation agricultural mechanization mecanização agrícola economics costs plantio produtividade. cana-de-açúcar custos econômicos sugarcane productive.

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