Avaliação de impacto do programa nacional de crédito fundiário na região sul do Brasil / Impact evaluation of Programa Nacional de Crédito Fundiário in the south region of Brazil




Since it was a colony, Brazil has presented a very concentrated land property structure. From the 30s on, laws and politics have been developed in order to promote an agrarian reform. In the present days, two alternative models of agrarian reform are being applied in Brazil expropriation of non-productive land (traditional model) and acquisition of land by means of the market (market-led agrarian reform). Both approaches seek to reduce land concentration and improve the welfare of families and farmers that use land as a productive factor. In this context, this work aimed at estimating the impact of Programa Nacional de Crédito Fundiário (a program of market based agrarian reform in Brazil) on the welfare of beneficiary families involved in the line of financing called Consolidação da Agricultura Familiar, which operates in the south region of Brazil. The impact of the program on beneficiary families was estimated based on the observation of a treatment and a control samples, from which data was collected in 2007 (baseline) and 2010 (follow up), constituting a longitudinal database. Such data structure allowed the estimation of impact through the double difference method. Sampling biases (selection and attrition) were controlled in order to avoid confounding effects and enhance internal validity of the results. The findings indicated positive and significant impacts on total family income, total per capita family income and total assets. Among beneficiaries, there was also a significant increase in the proportion of families that own their houses. Notwithstanding, no improvements in infrastructure conditions (sewage, water and electricity network access) were observed. In general terms, the findings indicate that the Programa Nacional de Crédito Fundiário in its line Consolidação da Agricultura Familiar in the South region of Brazil has generated positive impacts on the welfare of beneficiary families.


sistema fundiário. agrarian reform agricultural financing crédito rural financiamento agrícola land system. políticas sociais - avaliação reforma agrária rural credit social policy evaluation

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