Avaliação de fontes, absorção foliar e translocação de zinco (68Zn) em laranjeiras / Sources evaluation, foliar uptake and zinc translocation (68Zn) in Orange


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Studies of zinc fertilization on citrus foliar developed in Brazil are mostly limited to information of the nutrients quantities absorbed by the leaves, but the zinc transport of the leaves to other parts of the plants need to be clarified. Most investigations on this subject is vast array of conflicting results. As a result, the use of stable isotope technique is a viable tool to assist in the direct determination of zinc uptake and translocation of foliar application in citrus.The present study has as objective to determine: (i) the levels of zinc in leaves during three days after spraying, at flowering and fruiting stage of citrus; (ii) levels and accumulation of zinc in leaves and fruits; (iii) concentration of zinc in rainfall leached of the leaves; (iv) uptake and translocation of zinc from the sources in the leaves; (v) translocation of zinc from the sources in the fruits; (vi) rainfall leached zinc concentrations of the leaves from those sources. Two experiments were conducted at the Experimental Station of Citrus - Bebedouro - SP. In the first experiment were evaluated five foliar sources of zinc, EDTA, sulfate, phosphite, chelated amino acid (AA) and chloride. In the second were evaluated three sources enriched with 68Zn, EDTA, phosphite and sulfate sprayed at flowering and fruiting of citrus. To determine the rainfall leached of the leaves in both experiments, plastic containers were placed under the trees. In experiment 1, all sources increased foliar concentrations of Zn. The zinc chloride increased the levels in young leaves, young fruit and mature. It was observed that there washing of the zinc in the leaves by rain, but independent of the applied source and depends on the time elapsed after application. There is loss 11% of zinc applied to the leaves by rainwater. Zinc from the source EDTA was greater in young leaves and fruits, harvested at flowering stage. During fruiting for the ripe fruit there was no difference among the zinc from the sources.


adubação foliar citrus fertilização fertilization foliar fertilization frutas cítricas isótopos estáveis pluviometria pluviometry stable isotopes zinc zinco

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