Avaliação de diferentes topografias residuais na distribuição de tensões no remanescente dental por meio da análise de elementos finitos / Different residual topographic analysis in the distribution of tensions in the residual teeth by means of the finite element analysis




The presence of dentin projection above the finish line in the preparation of endodonticaly treated tooth to receive post and core is well established in literature, it influences positively in the resistance of the root. However, due to dental destruction, its not always possible to achieve a homogenous projection design, contributing for deficiencies in the preparation that can influence in the mechanical resistance to breaking. A maxillary right central incisor was scanned with computer tomography and reconstructed with specific software into a virtual model. This model was edited with different dentin projections, 2 mm above the preparation line involving absent, total, bucal, palatal and proximal projections and later submitted to simulation of chewing load, in software ANSYS v11, to get the distribution of tensions generated in the same. The simulations show that the best results are when the dentin projection is total, followed closely by the palatal projection. The worse result belongs to the absent projection group followed closely by bucal group. The authors in this research concludes that a dentin projection between the core and the applied force is an important factor to benefit the biomechanical of the remaining anterior teeth, and the whole projection gives the best prognostic comparing the different situations.


post férula núcleo fratura de raiz root fracture ferrule

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