Avaliação de desempenho do reator anaeróbio em batelada seqüencial (ASBR), contendo biomassa imobilizada em pedra pome, para tratamento de esgoto sanitário / Performance evaluation of a stirred anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass in pumice stone for wastewater treatment




The anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBR) with immobilized biomass, that are under development at Mauá Institute of Technology and at São Carlos Engineering School, presented good performance in the wastewater treatment. Recent researches are trying to improve this reactor design and operation. The choice of the support material is one of the important aspects of this development stage, besides the knowledge enhancement of the fundamental process aspects and the ones related with the reactor operation and its influence in the performance. This work presents the results of the ASBR operation and their influence in its performance, in bench scale, filled with pumice stones matrices used as biomass support. The reactor was provided with a mechanical agitator to treat the sewage collected at USP-São Carlos. The reactor volume was 7,2 liters and was operated with 8 hours duration cycles, during 86 days, totalizing 216 cycles. The mean inflow COD was 446 ± 169 mg/L, obtaining mean values, in the effluent, respectively equal to a 233 ± 52, 64 ± 31, 32 ± 15 e 141 ± 32 mg/L for total COD, particulate fraction, colloidal fraction and soluble fraction. This data confirm the good reactor performance in the removal of the particulate fraction of the organic matter (removal efficiency of 84%). The kinetic model for the COD decay rate that best fit the experimental data was a first order model with residual (k1ap=0,63 ± 0,06 /h). Despite of the good reactor performance, the high fixed soluble solids concentration in the effluent, as the abnormal alkalinity and pH values, took the matrices study further. It was concluded that the synthetic pumice stones, does not present a chemical stability necessary for its use as support material in this kind of reactor, because the matrices continuously lost calcium, resulting in the lost of its structural stability


asbr reactor biological treatment pumice stone anaerobic process biomassa imobilizada immobilized biomass tratamento biológico esgoto sanitário wastewater processo anaeróbio pedra pome reator asbr

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