Avaliação de desempenho de método para a resolução da evolução temporal de sistemas auto-gravitantes em dois paradigmas de programação paralela:troca de mensagens e memória compartilhada




In this work it is presented the performance evaluation of a parallel implementation for the sympletic integrator to simulate the temporal evolution of a self-gravitating system. The algorithm of the sympletic integrator was parallelized and the source code was written in the C programming language. Two parallel programming paradigms were employed: message passing, using the MPICH 1.2.6 library specification, and distributed shared memory, using the JIAJIA middleware. A homogeneous cluster of PCs was used to run the program tests. Due to the fact that users that need greater computational power tend to build heterogeneous computational environments, we also used a heterogeneous parallel system to take the performance measures using an empirical load balancing. To quantify the parallel execution performance of the programs, execution time measures were taken and the speedups achieved were calculated. To measure the execution time, it was inserted into the source codes the assembly instruction rdtsc, which counts the clock cycles in hardware register. For the MPI implementation version, execution time measures made by the parallel port were also taken using a tool called PM2P.


programação paralela memória compartilhada distribuída ciencia da computacao troca de mensagens avaliação de desempenho paradigmas de programação integrador simplético

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