Avaliação de Clones de Pennisetum sp. para a produção de silagem




The experiment was carried out at the experimental Station of Itambé-PE from the Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco, the objective was to evaluate forages and silages of different clones of Pennisetum sp.,cut at 56 days of regrowt. Treatments were five clones of Pennisetum sp. (IPA HV 241, IPA/UFRPE A-146 2.37, IPA/UFRPE A-2.114, Elephant B and Mott), using a complete randomized block design with four replications. Experimental PVC silos were opened after 90 days of storage and chemical analysis were performed responses variable determined included dry matter (DM) concentration, crude protein (CP), ashes (CZ), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), hemicelluloss (HEM), neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen (NDIN), and acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN), besides pH, ammoniacal nitrogen, buffering capacity, soluble carbohydrates, and the organoleptic features of the silages were perfomed. Calculations of losses by effluents, gases and dry matter recovery were perfomed. Forages before ensiling showed significant differences (P<0,005) for dry matter concentration, NDIN, soluble carbohydrates, and in vitro DM digestibility. Silages of the same forages, however, did not present significant differences for most of the variables related to chemical composition (NDF, ADF, hemicelluloss, ashes, pH, ammoniacal nitrogen, effluents and gases). In general, the grass elephant of size dawn IPA/UFRPE TAIWAN A-146 2.37, showed a better quality of silage with betterdry matter contend and coefficient of fermentation. All other clones of Pennisetum sp. showed efficiency in the fermentation process, despite the reduced levels of DM.


silage zootecnia elephant grass fermentation capim elefante forragicultura silagem clones clone fermentação conservação de volumosos pennisetum sp.

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