Avaliação de atributos físicos e químicos de um latossolo vermelho-amarelo distrófico sob cultivo de eucalipto e pastagem no sul do Espírito Santo / Evaluation of Physical and Chemical attributes of an Oxisol under cultivation of eucalyptus and pasture in southern of the Espírito Santo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The search aimed to evaluate the impact of the types of soil use on its chemical and physical attributes of soil, considering the uses with cultivation of eucalyptus and degraded pasture, in different topographic positions. Samplings were carried out at depths of 0.00 to 0.20 I 0.20 to 0.40 m distributed in equidistant way, with 10 meters in the lines and 25 meters between the lines, and the topographic positions were determined in relation to the sense of the slope of the soil. Two distinct areas were used presenting the same unit of soil (Oxisol and strongly undulated relief), adjacent to each other and with a history of cultivation of pasture with low technological capacity of at least 50 years, having been implanted a stands of eucalyptus in one of the areas described five years ago. The topographic positions delimited by thirds were evaluated, being: TS = upper third, TM = middle third and IT = lower third along the slope. The chemical and physical attributes of soil were analyzed according to a completely randomized design distributed in subplots scheme 2x2x3, and the plots a factor 2X2, being 2 types of soil use (eucalyptus and pasture) and 2 depths (0.00 -- 0.20 and 0.20 to 0.40 m) of soil and in the subplots topographic positions (TS = upper third, TM = middle third and TI = lower third) with eight repetitions. The results of biomass were analyzed taking into account the completely randomized design distributed in subplots scheme 2x3, with the 2 types of soil use in the plots (eucalyptus and pasture) and 3 topographic positions in the subplots (TS = upper third, TM = middle third and TI = lower third)) with eight repetitions. The experimental data were submitted to the analysis of variance test by the "F" and when significant was applied the test of Tukey at 5% of probability, by software SAEG 9.1. The results show that the majority of the attributes of soils is influenced by the type of use of soil and sampling position, presenting themselves as important indicators of changes in soil quality. The deployment of eucalyptus cultivation in areas of degraded pasture promotes effects on soil attributes, especially in relation to the amount of water available, and the interaction between the factors studied are key to evaluating the actual conditions of soil cultivated with pasture and eucalyptus. Thus, for evaluation of soil attributes in conditions of strongly undulated relief it is necessary to divide the areas in topographic positions, as in thirds (third upper, middle and lower), depending on the differences associated with the existing soil along the slope, especially in hilly areas, as the region of the southern of the Espírito Santo State.


soil properties água disponível propriedade do solo florestamento curva de retenção topographic positions forestation available water retention curve recursos florestais e engenharia florestal posições topográficas

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