Avaliação de 4 tipos de Papilomavírus humano na região metropolitana do Recife (PE) e a incidência de câncer cervical: discussão da relação entre os tipos virais com as vacinas profiláticas




There is a well-defined relationship between the different types of human papillomavirus and the incidence of cervical cancer in the region of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Human papillomavirus is very well known when it comes to viral genome, infection mode, stage of disease progression and currently vaccines. But when we consider of a virus prevalence in the population and special features the infected individuals, geographical distribuition, cellular type and viral type, HPV has to be evaluated in many aspects. Our study has evaluated the incidence of HPV viral types and its relationship to cervical cancer in Recife, Brazil. We show that there is high as incidence of HPV 16, followed by the types 31 and 33, differently from other Brazilian regions. These data contribute to the discussion about the previously developed prophylactic vaccines available in the market


genotipagem cervical cancer genotyping hpv papilomavírus humano prophylatic vaccines papillomavirus genetica câncer cervical vacinas profiláticas

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