Avaliação das guias condilar e incisal em função da curva de compensação e da altura das cúspides - Releitura das Leis de Articulação de Hanau / Evaluation of condylar guidance and incisal guidance according to the compensating curve and cusp heights. A review of Hanaus laws of articulation


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the variation of the saggital guidances (condylar guidance and incisal guidance) according to plane of orientation (prominence and inclination) and cusp heights during mandibular protrusive movements. The relationship between afore mentioned factors were assessed through both analogical and digital methods. In the analogical study, the inclination of condylar guidance and incisal guidance, prominence of compensating curve and the inclination of the occlusal plane were evaluated. In order to do so, prototyped guiding planes with compensating curves prominence pre-defined by spheres of 7, 8 and 9 inches of diameter were used. For each compensating curves prominence, there were also 3 pre-defined antero-posterior inclinations: initial planes (plane 0), planes with a 5-degree inclination increase (plane +5) and planes with a 5-degree inclination decrease (plane -5). A pair of guiding planes was mounted on a non-arcon Bio-art EVA Plus articulator and condylar and incisal guidances were adjusted. As the condylar guidance was increased, the changes necessary to reestablish the articulators adjustment were observed for the other three factors: incisal guidances inclination, prominence of compensating curve and occlusal planes inclination. This procedure was repeated altering each one of the other three factors resulting in 6 analogical experimental conditions. In the digital study, condylar guidance inclination, incisal guidance inclination, compensating curve prominence, occlusal plane inclination and posterior teeths cusp heights were evaluated. In order to do so, the Bio-art EVA Plus articulator, guiding planes and simulations of the cusps and anterior teeth were reproduced in the Adobe Photoshop CS3 program As performed at the analogical study, the guiding planes were put into position and the condylar and incisal guidances were adjusted. The condylar guidance inclination was increased and the changes in the other 4 factors were observed in the protrusive moment so that the bilateral balanced occlusion could be reestablished. This procedure was repeated with each one of the 4 factors resulting in 10 virtual experimental conditions. The results showed that there is a relationship between the condylar guidance inclination, incisal guidance inclination, prominence of the compensating curve and the cusp heights when achieving bilateral balanced occlusion and the results obtained in the current study is in accordance with those obtained by Hanau.


complete denture computer-aided design dental articulators dental occlusion oclusão dentária permeabilidade dentinária projeto auxiliado por computador prótese total temporomandibular joint articulação temporomandibular articuladores dentários

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