Avaliação das condições de obtenção do leite e da ação de sanificantes no tanque de expansão em uma propriedade leiteira no Município de Candeias /Bahia estudo de caso.




The request for milk quality is increasing daily in all milk production properties.In order to face the demands of the industries and the custumers, moreover competitive price, the producers need to face the chalenge of maintaining and garanteeing the milk quality after leaving the farm.the present study had the following goals: 1) Characterize the local conditions of milk obtention in a dairy farm located in the State of Bahia; 2) Suggest and recommend higienical managing procedures; 3) Carry out microbiological and PH analysis of the water utilized in the property; 4) Do microbiological analisys in the raw milk stored in the bulk tank; 5) Isolate and identify the bacteria found in the bulk tank; 6) Evaluate the efficiency in the use of a detergent(alcaline clored) and three sanitary elements (sodium hipoclorite,clorexidine,and peracetic acid)in the bulk tank.The results obtained for each item were: 1) The farms appraisement revealed conditions that varied from insatisfactory to satisfactory for raw cooled milk production; However , varied higienic-sanitary deficiency were identified; 2) Considering that hygienics is the main factor in the determination of the initial quality of milk ,the results show the need for the stablishment of criteria in the adoptionof higienization programs and for the investiments in activities of support and the orientation of producers seeking to correct the problems and reach better efficiency in milk harvesting methods in the dairy farms; 3) There were aerobic mesophila bacteria, total and faecal coliforms in the farms stream and tap water showing a pH of 4.0 and 4.2 respectively; 4) The isolated items in the the raw cooled milk were: aerobic mesophila bacteria and coliforms total and faecal; 5) These bacteria were found and isolated in the bulk tank:Enterobacter hafnia.;Pseudomonas ssp.; Streptococcus ssp.; Streptococcus ssp.;Micrococcus ssp.;Staphylococcus and Bacillus ssp.; 6) Despite the statistic results not showing significant differences considering the efficiency of the products,it was noticed an average of 4.09 decimal reduction for sodium hipoclorite use , while the clorine detergent showed a less average rate with a 2.18 decimal redution . It is considered that the simple use of bulk tanks in the milk activity does not mean milk of better quality necessarily, having the producers to be intent how much to the aspects of hygiene in all the processes of the farm, to invest in the improvement of the quality of the water and to educate the collaborators in regards to personal hygiene and of the environment.


leite cru leite raw milk nutricao milk quality pecuária leiteira qualidade aattle milkmaid

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