Avaliação da susceptibilidade erosiva da bacia do rio Carinhanha (MG/BA) por meio da EUPS : equação universal de perda de solos




Mathematical models are suitable for a quick and economical assessment of erosion susceptibility. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), one of the most well-known and used models, predicts erosion susceptibility based on rainfall erosivity (R-factor), slope length (L-factor), slope-steepness (S-factor), cover and management (C-factor), and support practice (P-factor). The aim of this work was to analyze and map erosion susceptibility of Carinhanha River Basin applying the The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) in order to support territorial environmental planning. Cariranha River Basin, with 1,700,000 hectares, is a tributary of São Francisco River and is located on Cerrado Biome, one of the most threatened with the intensification of land use and removal of natural vegetation. The methodology used rainfall data from pluviometric stations in order to obtain R-factor. K-factor was achieved by making a more detailed map from the previous map and the analysis of soil samples collected. In order to obtain Topograpic Factor (LS), DEM was made from GIS tools. Remote Sensing data provided information for CP factors. The USLE aplication enabled a qualitative assessment of erosion potential, as well as, the actual erosion in Carinhanha Basin. The area has a low rate of erosion due to its current natural vegetation cover. However, the scenario would change if modifications continue to be done in natural vegetaiton. The results show the spatial distribution of susceptible areas where conservation practices can be suitable in preventing loss of soil by erosion. This analysis is important for environmental planning and provide data for the establishment of sustainable development scenarios in the basin.


bacia rio carinhanha erosão laminar geografia laminar erosion usle eups carinhanha basin

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