Avaliação da qualidade da água na bacia hidrográfica do Ribeira de Iguape com vistas ao abastecimento público / RIBEIRA DO IGUAPE BASIN WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT FOR DRINKING WATER SUPPLY




Ribeira do Iguape Basin, located in the Southeast region of São Paulo state, is the largest remaining area of Mata Atlântica which biodiversity as rich as Amazon forest , where the readiness of water versus demand is extremely positive. With sparse population density and economy almost dependent on banana agriculture, the region is still well preserved. To water supply SABESP (São Paulo State Basic Sanitation Company) -Ribeira do Iguape Businesses Unit - RR, uses different types of water supplies. In the present work, in order to ascertain water quality for human consumption, major and minor elements were evaluated in various types of water supply (surface and groundwaters as well as the drinking water supplied) Forty three producing systems were monitored: 18 points of surface waters and treated distributed water, 10 points of groundwater and 15 points of surface water in preserved areas, analyzing 30 elements. Bottom sediments (fraction <63 ?m) were also evaluated. The sampling period covered dry and wet seasons from March 2002 to February 2003. The descriptive analysis showed that Al, Fe and Mn, exceeding CONAMA 357 quality guideline. A comparison of the elemental concentrations with the Brazilian Drinking Water Legislation (Portaria 518/04) showed that with the exception of some violations, the levels of all the elements investigated were below the Brazilian Legislation maximum allowed concentrations. IV This study examined the relationship between the type of water supply and the quality of water used, showed different characteristics on Ca, Fe, Mn concentration. In bottom sediments (fraction <63 ?m), Al, Fe and Mg largest concentrations were found. Pb and Zn presents concentrations up to 142,0 ?g.g-1 and 172 ?g.g-1, respectively. Data revealed that trace elements concentration in the sediment were below PEL (Probable Effect Level - probable level of adverse effect to the biological community), exception for Pb in Sete Barras and Eldorado


avaliação ambiental sedimento. sedimento. qualidade de água avaliação ambiental qualidade de água

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