Avaliação da performance da lei federal 10820/2003: um estudo de política de crédito / Perfromance evaluation of federal law 10.820/2003: an study of public credit




This research intended to evaluate the laws 10.820/2003 performance, policy implemented in 2003 that regulated payroll debit loans for the employees subordinated to CLTs regimen, retireds and pensioners of the INSS. To perform it, first it was held the identification of the objectives of the policy in study, through the theory of economic policies and the analysis of the previous conjuncture to its implementation. It was noted that, during the period of the laws implementation, the basic interest rate of the economy was high, and it was not possible to reduce it immediately; interest rates to borrowers, therefore, were expressive, considered as a factor limiting the liquidity; the volume of Brazilian credit was reduced (especially when compared to developed countries) and defaults on credit to individuals was a factor that helped to raise its cost, and, finally, the level of consumption in Brazil was low. Three objectives had been identified: the increase of credit for natural person; the increase of the consumption; and the reduction of interest rates. After that, it was made the choice of indices that represented the goals identified and the verification of the results for these indices by March 2007; and evaluation of results against the goals. Four hypotheses had been formulated after the identification of the objectives of the politics: that the credit supply for natural people increased; that the spread had reduced and, consequently, the cost to the borrower; that the consumption had increased and the reduction of the default event. Only three of these hypotheses had been observed; the reduction of the default event hadnt happened, being steady in the observed period. It was concluded that the three objectives of the politcy had been verified, with modest results in the reduction of the interest rates to the borrower


public policy payroll debit loans performance de políticas administracao publica economic policies crédito público, políticas públicas políticas econômicas policy performance crédito consignado

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