Avaliação da Limpidez do Aço Líquido Através da Modelagem Matemática do Desgaseificador RH da Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão - CST




In order to comply with an increasing market for high quality steels, specially steels for automobile applications, CST Companhia Siderúrgica de Tubarão has acquired in 1998 its RH degasification unit. As a production expansion up to 7.5 million tons of crude steel per year is scheduled, a 2nd RH unit has been commissioned. The RH process is based upon the circulation of the liquid steel between the steel ladle and a vacuum chamber, where low-pressure-enhanced reactions such as decarburation and degasification occur. The reactor is also a place for inclusion removal. Thus circulation through the vacuum camera has a great influence on the productivity of the equipment. Experiments have been conducted worldwide aiming to improve the steel quality and productivity under different operational conditions. Physical modeling, mathematical modeling, plant experiments, as well as physicochemical evaluations of industrials samples have been employed to evaluate the process. In this work a three-dimensional mathematical model have been developed for simulation of the steel circulation the vacuum chamber and in the ladle. A macroscopic model also was developed, the purpose was to evaluate the influence of the circulation time on the degree of the steel cleanliness the inclusion content. The model incorporates a collision-coalescenceremoval scheme for the inclusions and its validation is provided by techniques of microscope inclusions counting and measurement of the dissolved/total oxygen content.


materiais e componentes de construcao 1. aço - metalografia - teses. 2. vácuo - metalurgia - teses. 3. alumina -

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