Avaliação da glicolipoproteína como antígeno para sorodiagnóstico da leptospirose / Evaluation of glycolipoprotein antigen for serodiagnosis of leptospirosis




The aim of this work was the study of serologic response against leptospira glycolipoprotein (GLP) for the purpose of standardizing its use as an antigen on serological tests to diagnose human leptospirosis. Among the proteins involved in the pathogenicity, GLP is yet to be studied regarding its immunogenicity and its use as an antigen in the detection of specific antibodies. That led to our standardization of dot-ELISA for detecting IgG and IgM antibodies, using GLP extracted from either pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni or nonpathogenic Leptospira biflexa serovar Patoc. Paired serum samples were taken from 90 patients with serologically confirmed leptospirosis, by MAT, with the first samples collected on the diseases acute phase and the second samples after a period of 10 to 15 days. We also tested single samples taken from 30 patients with other diseases, MAT negative, belonging to the control group. Detection rates for IgG antibodies were unsatisfactory, so the study for that use was discontinued. The dot-ELISA IgM results yielded 100% sensitivity on the samples taken after MAT seroconversion. The early detection pattern was evidenced by the high positivity rate on the samples taken during the diseases acute phase (76,6% dot-ELISA using Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni antigen and 90% using Leptospira biflexa sorovar Patoc antigen). Specificity rates were high (96.6%), although a 3.3% rate of false-positive results was observed for dot-ELISA using both antigens. The present study revealed the importance of the humoral immune response against the GLP antigen. The use of GLP, on the dot-ELISA test for IgM antibodies afforded a simple, quick and effective diagnosis.


dot-elisa dot-elisa glp glicolipoproteína glycolipoprotein leptospirosis leptospirose glp imunodiagnóstico immunodiagnosis

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