Avaliação da força de preensão palmar em indivíduos idosos




To age is an inexorable process, characterized by biological alliterations and adaptations to the external means that result in progressive functional losses of the organs and of the body as a whole one. The force of hand grip (FHG) is related with the activities of the daily life (ADL) and is one of the fundamental components for the evaluation of the physical form. The aim of this study was quantify to FHG in elderly individuals. The FHG was evaluated in 551 individuals, totaling up 1102 upper members that did not present functional kinetics disorders that committed that measure. The force was measured through the hydraulic dynamometer. The sample was stratified in 03 groups: group one (60-69), group 2 (70-79) and group 3 (>80). The statistical program utilized for achievement of the analyses was the SPSS 11.0. The test of analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures and the level of significance adopted was of p>0,05. The results showed that the proportion of men was superior of women the total group. When it stratified the group by age, the group 1 showed predominance of the female sex, while the groups 2 and 3 showed superior proportions in the male sex. The male kind showed predominance of the FHG in both the left and right sides for the groups stratified and total, regarding the female kind. The average of the FHG of right side presents upper values to the left side, so much in the groups stratified how much in the total group, beyond it has a diminution of the FHG in both sides and sex with the advancement of the age. Believe that the values found in this study can serve like parameters of normality for FHG in the elderly population.


educacao fisica força - membros inferiores; mãos; idosos força de preensão palmar hand grip dinamômetro dynamometer idoso elderly

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