Avaliação da expressão de receptores e ligantes Notch nas populações de linfócitos T em desenvolvimento, linfócitos T reguladores naturais e células dendríticas no timo humano / Evaluation of the expression of Notch receptors and ligands in developing lymphocytes, natural regulatory T cells and dendritic cells in human thymus


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ responsible of maturing T lymphocytes, where specialized structures and cells are observed. The intrathymic signaling during lymphocytes maturation is unclear. Among them, Notch signaling pathway, which comprises in receptors (Notch1-4) and ligands (DLL1, 2 and 3, Jaaged1 and 2), may regulate this process. In this work our aim is to evaluate the expression of Notch receptors and ligands in different phases of T lymphocytes maturation, natural T regulatory cells (nTreg), and thymic dendritic cells (tDC). For this purpose, thymuses from 10 children who underwent corrective cardiac surgery were manipulated and populations CD4-CD8-, CD4+CD8+, CD4+CD8-, CD4- CD8+, nTreg and tDC were sorted by flow cytometry. Total RNA was purified and genes NOTCH1, 2 and 3, DLL1 and 4, JAG1 and 2, FOXP3 were amplified by RT-PCR. Some thymic fragments were evaluated by immunohistochemistry and screened for expression of Notch 1, 2, 3 and 4 receptors, DLL1 and 4, Jagged and e 2 ligands in total thymocytes, FOXP3+ cells and S100+ cells in each thymic region. All Notch receptors and ligands genes were expressed in studied populations. In CD4-CD8- subset NOTCH1 gene is more expressed in comparison to others immature thymocytes. In CD4+CD8+ subset NOTCH2 gene is less expressed, and JAG2 gene is more expressed when compared to CD4+CD8- population. The other receptors and ligands genes were expressed in a similar level among developing lymphocytes subsets. The relative Notch genes evaluation in developing lymphocytes populations showed a higher expression of DLL1 gene in CD4+CD8- population and JAG1 gene in CD4-CD8+ subset in comparison to CD4-CD8- thymocytes. The Notch receptors and ligands expression in thymic tissue showed to be homogeneous between thymic regions. The nTreg cells express JAG1 ligand gene in highest level among evaluated genes. The relative gene expression in nTreg presented higher expression of NOCTH1, NOTCH2, DLL4 and JAG1 genes, and low levels of NOTCH3, DLL1 and JAG2 related to CD4-CD8- subset. When relative gene expression were performed using CD4+CD8- subset, we observed that nTreg cells expressed more NOCTH1, NOCTH2, NOTCH3, DLL4 and JAG1, and in a similar level of expression DLL1 and JAG2 genes. The histological analysis showed that DLL4 was more expressed in nTreg cells in comparison to others proteins evaluated in this work, and a homogeneous distribution in thymic regions, in exception Notch3 and Jagged2. tDC cells presented higher expression of JAG1 gene among the others, and a higher expression of DLL4 protein. Notch2 expression in tDC was different between thymic regions. All together, our results showed that both genes and proteins of Notch receptors and ligands are expressed in distinct developmental stages of the maturation of T lymphocytes and nTreg cells and in the tDC cells in human thymus, with some variations in levels of expression and distribution in the thymus. These data are similar to the murine evaluations, but with some issues to be discussed. Our unpublished assessment in nTreg propose a new approach about the involvement of Notch pathway in its maturation and the evaluation of tDC suggests its direct participation of Notch signaling in the process of human thymocytes maturation


células dendríticas dendritic cells developing lymphocytes linfócitos t reguladores notch receptors populações de linfocitos t em desenvolvimento receptores notch regulatory t cells thymus timo

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