Avaliação da expressão de hepcidina e produção de IL-6 por monócitos de indivíduos  idosos / Evaluation of hepcidin expression and IL-6 production by monocytes in elderly




Anemia in elderly is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in this population. The causes of anemia in elderly can be divided into three groups: anemia of chronic diseases (ACD), anemia of nutrients deficiency, which include iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and unexplained anemias. Hepcidin is an important link between primary defense, inflammation and iron metabolism. The hepcidin is mainly induced by the Interleukin-6 (IL-6), it acts as a negative regulator of iron absorption and it is mediating of iron retention by monocytes and macrophages during inflammation or infection. Recent studies have been demonstrating the role of this hormone production by monocytes in the iron homeostasis, in autocrine and paracrine fashion. The general objective of this study was to correlate the levels of monocyte-derived IL-6 in culture and the monocyte hepcidin mRNA expression in patients with ACD, with inflammation without anemia, IDA and with unexplained anemias. The specific objectives are to verify the efficiency of classic haematological parameters in evaluating the iron status in elderly; to compare the levels of monocyte-derived IL-6 in culture, in different study groups, and to relate them with the parameters used for anemias characterization; to compare the levels of monocyte hepcidin mRNA expression, in different study groups, and to relate them with the inflammatory state and with the parameters used for anemias characterization. For that, the patients were evaluated by biochemical parameter (blood glucose, serum creatinine, -glutamyl transferase, total proteins and albumin, by colorimetric method and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, measured by immunoturbidimetric assay) and hematological (complete blood count, using the cells accountant Micros 45 ABX®, and peripheral blood film for Leishmans staining morphology, serum ferritin level by immuno-quimioluminescent assay, soluble transferrin receptor, by Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) and sTfR/log ferritin index). The determination of IL-6 levels was performed by quantitative ELISA in monocyte culture supernatants and monocyte hepcidin mRNA levels by Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Although serum ferritin levels were statistically decreased in IDA population, it did not reach the values recommended for diagnosis of iron deficiency. The soluble transferrin receptor (sTfR) levels and the sTfR/log ferritin index were significantly higher in IDA group, however, the index did not increase the sensibility of the sTfR measure for elderly. These results suggest that normality values for ferritin levels and sTfR/log ferritin index should be reviewed for elderly population. There was increase of levels of monocyte-derived IL-6 in culture in Inflammation group compared with Anemia group. The IL-6 levels were positively correlated with C-reactive protein levels and leukocyte number of the patients, however, there was not correlation with monocyte hepcidin mRNA levels. The monocyte hepcidin mRNA levels showed positive correlation serum ferritin levels, however, it was not different between the study groups.


metabolismo do ferro idosos interleukin-6 anemias hepcidin iron metabolism hepcidina anemias interleucina-6 elderly

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