Avaliação da eficácia em curto prazo do uso de placas estabilizadoras oclusais de cobertura total e dispositivos NTI (nociceptive trigeminal inhibitory splint) no tratamento da dor miofascial da musculatura mastigatória / Short-term evaluation of efficacy of the use of stabilization occlusal splint and NTI (nociceptive trigeminal inhibitory splint) in the treatment of the myofascial pain from masticatory muscles


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this research was to test the hypothesis that the treatment with intraoral appliances with different occlusal designs is beneficial in the management of symptoms and signs of masticatory Myofascial Pain (MMP) when compared to a control group. 51 patients were analyzed according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/ TMD) in order to obtain the diagnostic of Myofascial Pain. Then the sample was randomly divided into three groups: 21 patients were treated with acrylic stabilization occlusal splint ; 16 received an anterior device (NTI (Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibitory System)) and 14 patients received couseling and orientations for behavioral changes (control group). The two previous groups also received orientations and counseling. The devices were installed and weared in partial time (only during sleep), and the follow-ups were performed after 2, 6 weeks and three months. In these sessions, patients were evaluated according the visual scale of pain (VAS), maximum mouth opening and masticatory muscle algometry, able to determine the pain pressure threshold (PPT)(KRATOS, Brazil). Possible adverse effects were also analyzed such as comfort in the use of the appliance and occlusal alterations. The results were analyzed with Chi-Square test, Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA and Turkey, with significance level of 5%. The three groups showed improvement in signs and symptoms of MMP, suggesting that occlusal appliances and behavioural orientations may be benefical in the treatment of this condition. However, the management with occlusal appliance and orientations seems to have an earlier effect. Long term studies with the NTI device are needed to establish its safety and absence of adverse dental effects.


limiar da dor masticatory muscles músculos da mastigação occlusal splints pain threshold placas oclusais síndrome da disfunção da articulação temporomandibular temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome

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