Avaliação da drenagem linfatica manual e cinesioterapia no periodo pos-operatorio de linfadenectomia inguinal em mulheres com neoplasia de vulva




Introduction: The vulvar neoplasia is an uncommon disease and radical surgery is the main treatment but often bring complications, some of them serious as dehiscence and leg lymphedema. It wasn t find an physiotherapy technique that warn or minimize these complications. The lymphatic manual drainage and the kinesiotherapy were sucessful in prevention of similar complications in post radical mastectomy cases and were evaluated in this study. Objectives: Evaluate the efficacy of lymphatic manual drainage and kinesiotherapy in prevention and minimization of groin lymphadenectomy postoperative complications in vulvar neoplasia trated womem. Subjects: womem were separated in two groups: the WITH PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP that received physiotherapy intervention formed of eleven womem that were served in Gynaecology Oncology of ISM-Unicamp area, between January and December of 2003 with diagnosis of neoplasia of the vulva and submited to groin lymphadenectomy and the NO PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP that was made by all women served and treated for the same illness in the same area during 2000-2002 but don t received physiotherapy intervention proposal. Methods: is a no randomized controlled trial where every woman of WITH PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP received physiotherapy intervention with lymphatic manual drainage and kinesiotherapy during 10 postoperative days and valued at four moments for legs and thigh perimetry and goniometry of coxofemoral joint flexion and abduction: one preoperative assessment and three postoperatives in 10th., 30th. and 90th. days. Subsequent, the WITH PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP was compared with the NO PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP, made by 32 women, about occurrence of dehiscence and time for your occurred and admitted time. Results: The groups were similars for the most important women characteristics, illness and the treatment done. While dehiscence incidence was 72% in NO PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP, it was only 45% in WITH PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP, all in WITH PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP associate to deep groin lymphadenectomy. The admitted time and occurred time of dehiscence wasn t different in WITH PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP and NO PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP groups. The coxofemoral joint goniometry for flexion and abduction of WITH PHYSIOTHERAPY GROUP were keeping or increase about relation preoperative and perimetry of thighs and legs showed one tendency of increase after 30th. postoperative day, but with concomitant ponderal increase. Conclusion: the groups were similar for main patients characteristics, illness and the treatment done. The group that received the postoperative lymphatic manual drainage and the kinesiotherapy showed a tendency to have less dehiscence, especially those submitted to superficial groin lymphadenectomy, and the physiotherapy keeps or increased goniometry.


vuva complicações pos-operatorias fisioterapia tratamento cancer

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