Avaliação da composição isotópica do chumbo e da distribuição elementar nos sedimentos da represa Pedro Beicht, Cotia, São Paulo / Evaluation of isotopic composition of lead and elemental distribution in the sediments of the Pedro Beicht reservoir, Cotia, São Paulo


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The water reservoir named Pedro Beicht provides water to five hundred thousand people in the metropolitan region of São Paulo city and is known by its excellent aquatic system quality. It is managed by Sanitation Company of São Paulo State (SABESP) and is surrounded by the Forest Reserve Morro Grande (RFMG). The RFMG was created in 1979 to ensure flora and fauna preservation, as well as the water quality of the reservoir. However, a previous study on the reservoir sediments revealed anomalous metals concentrations bound to sulfide. The primary objective of the present study is to assess the concentrations of some metals and isotopic composition of lead in different sediment fractions to characterize the distribution of metals in the sedimentary column and the principal lead sources to water reservoir. The sediments age was estimated by sedimentation rate at around of seventy years, which is consistent with the operation start of the water reservoir (1934). The grain size sediments distribution was homogeneous in the PB101, PB202 and PB303 with predomination of silte and clay particles, although superficial and deep fractions of PB404 contain high percentage of sand particles. The Sn, Zn and Pb metals showed elevated concentrations with enrichment factors higher than 1,5 in recent fractions of PB101 and PB303, which date from the two last decades. Lead concentrations were above of IQSG and ERL guidelines values. Copper concentrations in the PB101 and 303 intermediate fractions (1970 decade), were above of PEL and ERM guideline values, showing a considerable increase of metal with probable anthropogenic source. The lead isotopic composition results in sediments indicated that the increase of metal concentrations in PB303 and posterior carriage to PB101, that present the greater lead concentrations, is related by punctual anthropogenic sources as railway


chumbo composição isotópica sedimentos sediments water reservoir heavy metals isotopic composition lead metais pesados pedro beicht. represa pedro beicht

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