Avaliação da capacidade de limpeza promovida pela instrumentação rotatória associada a uma manobra complementar para o terço apical de canais achatados / Evaluation of the cleaning capacity achieved by rotary instrumentation associated with a complementary maneuver for cleaning of the apical third of flattened canals




The aim of this study was to compare by histological and morphologic analisys the cleaning ability of rotary instrumentation associated to a proposed complemental maneuver for the apical third of flattened root canal. Twenty-four human mandibular incisors, with single root canal and anatomic diameter corresponding to the instrument 20, were distributed in 3 groups. according to the type of accomplished treatment: Group I - Free Tip Preparation technique; Group II - Free Tip Preparation technique associated to a hand maneuver accomplished with aid of a device made of orthodontic thread; Group III - Free Tip Preparation technique associated to a rotary maneuver using the device done of orthodontic thread. Irrigation/aspiration among the instruments were accomplished with deionized distilled water. After preparation, the specimens were conserved in 10% formalin until histologic processing. Section form the apical thirds were analyzed with an optic microscope (40X) and the images were evaluated morphometrically with an integration grid. Clean areas and areas with debris were counted within the root canal. The KRUSKAL-WALLIS test showed that there was statistical difference (P<0.05) between of the groups. Two-by-two comparisons classified the technique instrumentation in increasing order of cleaning: GI (37.25 4.44); GII (19.97 6.40) and GIII (10.01 2.20). According to the obtained results were concluded that, the accomplishment of the complemental maneuver significantly improved the cleaning of the apical third of mesial-distal flattened root canal. However none of the techniques promoted total root canal cleaning.


odontologia título flattend root canals denstistry endodontics title endodontia canais achatados odontologia instrumentation instrumentação

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