Avaliação da capacidade de identificação de prematuridades oclusais, por meio cortes paraxiais obtidos de tomografias computadorizadas de feixe cônico (Cone Beam)




The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability to identify occlusal prematurity, by cutting the paraxial CT cone beam, comparing the opinion of these images, provided by professionals in different specialities, with clinical examination obtained from strips of carbon paper. Sixteen young asymptomatic patients underwent an initial clinical examination and then were made appliance desprogramming individual (Lucia JIG). Through manipulation and marking interocclusal jaw with carbon film (Accufilm) identified clinically premature contact Centric Relation (CR) of each patient. Later these devices were set in the position of centric contact and used during the CT scans so that they could obtain tomographic images in the position of centric relation. After processing the images, these were analyzed for thirty professionals from different areas and compared the results obtained by the analysis of imaging and analysis of clinical markers. The data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance ANOVA and Scott-Knott. From the evaluation of the ability to identify occlusal prematurity through cuts of paraxial CT cone beam, we can conclude that there was no statistically significant difference between the views of professionals with clinical examination carried out with carbon paper. Comparing the opinions expressed by professionals in the areas of occlusion, Radiology and General Clinicians, notes that there was no statistically significant differences. Regarding the time of his profession, the group with less time since graduation had the lowest rate of agreement among the analysis of imaging and clinical analysis with carbon paper.


tomografia computadorizada cone beam prematuridade oclusal oclusão odontologia oclusão (odontologia) occlusion cone beam computed tomography occlusal prematurity

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