Avaliação comparativa entre técnicas de programação defensiva aplicadas a um sistema crítico simulado. / Comparative evaluation among defensive programming techniques applied in a critical system simulated.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The introduction of software systems for critical applications raises safety issues that have long fell predominantly on the development of the hardware composing such systems. Currently, standards related to safety software qualitatively assess the impact of their use on systems sensitive to random errors. The research developed here seeks, in addition to other previous investigations, to quantitatively evaluate different techniques of defensive programming in function of their safety level in fault-tolerant safety critical systems. As a key objective, we sought to evaluate the behavior acquired by a fault-tolerant system when subjected to a software fault injection process. The fault-tolerance system, in a typical critical application under study, is achieved through the application of defensive programming techniques over the original software. Many defensive programming techniques and various combinations among them were applied, hence making it possible to quantitatively assess and identify possible patterns of safety levels acquired in each case.


confiabilidade de software embedded systems erro (falhas computacionais) error (computer failures) large-scale integrated systems segurança de software sistemas embutidos sistemas integrados em larga escala software reliability software safety

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