Avaliação clinico-funcional de trabalhadores expostos ao asbesto na atividade de mineração




Objective: Given tOOt the production of dust is intrinsic to the extracting process in mining sites, exposure to dust has become a principal hea1ter risk to mine workers. Mining sites are characteristically situated at long distances ttom urban centers and consequently, access to health examinations using advanced technologies is difficult. This study proposes to value clinic function assessment of populations exposed to dust. Method: 3.772 mine workers ttom the mining site at Cana Brava, Minaçu, GO, Brasil, were submitted to a clinical examination (respiratory symptoms, smoking OObits), an occupational exposure to asbesto dust (index of accumulated exposure to asbestos), and a lung function examination (spirometry). Results: The correlation between respiratory symptoms (cough, phlegm, wheezing, dyspnea) and obstructive ventilatory impairment was observed to three leveI of exposure. The smoking was significantly associated with an increased risk of obstructive ventilatory impairment. The leveI of exposure was associated with increased risk for non specmc ventilatory impairment but has no association with obstructive ventilatory impairment. The workers with high and intermediate leveI of exposure to asbestos presented more complaints of respiratory symptoms than those with low exposure. The smoking has important intluence with respiratory symptoms in workers with intermediate and low index of accumulated exposure (IAE) to dust. Conclusion: Although the smoking has significant association with respiratory symptoms and ventilatory impairment, the asbestos intluence in respiratory symptoms also were observed mainly in the workers with high leveI of exposure



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