Avaliação clínica e radiográfica das manifestações bucomaxilofaciais em pacientes portadores de polipose adenomatosa familial e câncer colo-retal




The colorectal cancer (CRC) can be classified as sporadic or familial. The sporadic CRC is a result of the interaction between somatic mutations and environmental factors. The familial CRC defined as the one that affects several members of the same family and at early age. In the group of the familial CRC are: Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) and its phenotypic variation, the Gardner syndrome and hereditary non polypomatous colorectal cancer (HNPCC). In the literature are available reports of the occurrence of bucomaxillofacial manifestation in patients with familial CRC. This study was carried out aiming to evaluate these alterations through the clinic examination and panoramic radiographics of the face in patients screened by the Proctology Service and referred to the Oral Medicine Clinic of the University Hospital of Brasília. Thirty patients were examined and distributed in four study groups: control group (13 patients), sporadic CRC (8 patients), HNPCC (3 patients) and FAP (6 patients). There were 16 female and 14 male and average age 47,16 years-old. In relation of soft tissues alterations the presence and site of intraoral sebaceous glands (Fordyces granules) were studied. In the cases of intraoral sebaceous glands, 53,32% occurred in the labial mucosa or semi mucosa affecting more frequently the females in a proportion of 2:1. Statistic analysis did not demonstrate relation between the presence of intraoral sebaceous glands and the type of disease comparing to the study groups. The panoramic radiographics were evaluated with the DPRS (Dental Panoramic Score System) method that was proposed by Thakker et al. (1995). Significant alterations were found (score ≥ 7) in 23,3% of the entire sample, and between these, 85,71% occurred in male. The bone alterations found more frequently were bone sclerosis (52,94%). The qui-square test demonstrated relation between the presence of significant bone alterations and the Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (p=0,001), comparing to the control group. We conclude that the presence of intraoral sebaceous glands is not associate to the occurrence of the CRC in the studied sample and there were relation between radiographic founds and the Familial Adenomatous Polyposis when compared to the other studied groups.


familal colorectal cancer ciencias da saude câncer colo-retal familial glândulas sebáceas intra-orais alterações dento-ósseas intraoral sebaceous glands dento-osseous changes

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