Avaliação clínica e microbiológica da cavidade bucal de pacientes críticos com entubação orotraqueal de um hospital de emergência / Clinical and microbiological assessment of the oral cavity of critical patients with orotracheal intubation from an emergengy hospital.




Introduction: For the last decades, oral health has been studied as an important part of an individuals general health. Objectives: Based on that information, this study aimed to evaluate the oral cavity clinical and microbiological status of patients with orotracheal intubation at a tertiary hospital (48 hours after orotracheal intubation and 72 hours after the first collection) as well as classify those patients according to gender, age, race, reason for being at the hospital, occurrence of nosocomial infection, period at the hospital and death. It also aimed to assess important epidemiological micro organisms (Staphylococcus spp., Pseudomonas sp., Enterococos spp and Yeasts) in (toothed and edentulous) patientssaliva, and describe antimicrobial use and specify the characteristics of isolated strains to antibiotics. Material and Method: This study took four months and it was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. Resources from the literature, which were specific for each objective, were used when collecting data. A database was created using Microsoft Excel, validated with double input after appropriate coding of each one of the variables. Statical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 14.0 was used for statistical analysis and McNemar and Wilcoxon non-parametric tests with a = 0.05 significance. Results: out of 68 male patients (66.2%) between 31 and 59 years old, 39.7% were hospitalized mainly because of circulatory diseases. Out of 54.4% of hospital infections, 35.2% were respiratory infections and 27.0% were vascular. On average the patients were 27 days at the hospital and 48.5% of them died. It was possible to notice that gingival health and oral cleansing got worse, there was keilite and other diseases. According to the microbiota evaluation, Staphylococcus spp. was more prevalent and the antibiotics used (72.3) belonged to beta-lactamico group. The strain got more resistant to antibiotic if both collect were compared. Conclusion: Future researches with questioning were suggested and a warning about the need of a protocol of oral cleansing for critical patients with orotracheal intubation.


infecção hospitalar intensive care biofilm higienização bucal critical patient hospital infection oral cleansing dental plaque placa dentária biofilme paciente crítico cuidados intensivos

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