Avaliação cefalometrica da maloclusão classe III pela analise de Tweed-Merrifield modificada




The Class III malocclusion is characterized by sagittal skeletal discrepancy between the apical bases with different skeletal and dental combinations that reflectin a facial disharmony aspect. The purpose of this study wasto investigate this malocclusion by the Tweed-Merrifield cephalometric analysis.The average values were determined and the differences between the sexes were investigated 20 cephalometric radiographs were taken from Brazilian leucoderms subjects, in sex, 9 maleand 11 female, in age from 17 to 36 years old and four months with Class III malocclusion.The average values of the cephalometric measurements had been taken independently of the sex and after that, verified the existence of sexual dimorphism by the statistical analysis with 5% significancelevel.There sults demonstrated that there were statistical significant differences between sex to the FMA, SNA, ANB, Z Angle, 1.NB, AFP, AFA, IAF, C.mxe C.md. measurements; the anteroposterior position of the jaws, supplied by NA and SNB, demonstrated that the maxillain a normal position and mandibular prognathism with normal maxilla leng thand a bigger mandibular length; the predominance of the growth in the vertical direction through FMA, AFA was evident, AFP and Ang.Pl.ocl. measurements; IMPA,1.NA, 1-NA, 1.NB and 1-NB measurements, that had defined the ental pattern, showed the presence of dental compensations; Z Angle,ar and LS measurements not were defined he aesthetic facialcl early


mandibula cefalometria prognatismo ortodontia

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