"Avaliação bucal e nutricional de pacientes senescentes" / Buccal and nutricional evaluation of elderly patients




As life expectancy increases, resulting in the growth of the aged population, there is renewed interest in the search for a life with more quality and health. Therefore, the maintenance of the stomatognathic system of elderly patients is of the extreme importance, since it is throug h this system that the individual is nourished. Based on these facts, it becomes relevant to analyze in what ways the buccal condition can influence the choice of foods as well as individual eating habits, nutritional state and general health, thereby justifying this study. In this research, a clinical examination together with a interview and a nutritional test (Mini Nutritional Assessment) were carried out to assess the buccal condition, the chewing ability and the risk of malnutrition. The sample consisted of 25 institutionalized elderly patients, of both genders, white and non-white, with different buccal conditions, forming four distinct groups: patients who have a bimaxillary complete denture (Group 1 = 11 patients), patients who have at least one complete denture (Group 2 = 7 patients), patients who have at least 10 teeth in each arch (Group 3 = 4 patients) and edentulous not using prosthesis (Group 4 = 3 patients). The majority of the patients (77,78%) were satisfied as to the retention and stability of their complete dentures, independent of the state of conservation. The majority of the patients of PT (Groups 1 and 2) revealed satisfaction in their chewing ability. In group 3, the level was still satisfactory, but unsatisfactory for Group 4. There was not a statistically significant association between the groups and their nutritional state. However, it could be noticed that the malnutrition risk presented higher frequencies in Group 2. The results indicated that independent of the found buccal conditions, the majority of the patients (64%) were found to be well-nourished, 36% presented a risk of malnutrition and no patient was found to be malnourished. These findings suggest that the results are due to the balanced diet that these patients received in the support institution. Therefore, the importance of a balanced diet, preferably guided by a specialized professional, is perceived, especially for those ambulatory patients that do not live in a place with a daily pre-established diet. This is especially true of patients who have undergone oral rehabilitation and need to adjust their diet to their new buccal condition. The conclusion is that a multidisciplinary treatment plan is essential in order to achieve the physical, emotional, mental and social well-being of each individual, especially those who are elderly.


nutrição odontogeriatria nutrition prótese total prótese dentária complete denture dental prosthesis gerodontology

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