AvaliaÃÃo processual: um estudo das representaÃÃes sociais de professoras da rede municipal de ensino do Recife




This study aimed to analyze the social representations of evaluation procedures built by teachers of early years of elementary school of the Network of City Hall Recife / PE. It is as a reference for studies to evaluate the authors: Perrenoud (1999, 2004), Esteban (1999, 2005), Silva (2003, 2004), Hoffmann (2003, 2005a) and Luckesi (2005). To the Theory of Social Representations in support in Moscovici (1978, 2003) and Jodelet (2001, 2005). The research, qualitative in nature, was conducted with twenty teachers of RPA 5, graduated in education and academic education started in the 1990s. To define the group performed an exploratory study. The procedures used were a collection of observation and semi-structured interview. The research was divided into two phases. First, observe the evaluative practices of two teachers in order to bring in their social representations of the evaluation procedure. In the second, we made use of interviews with twenty teachers, including this group, the two teachers who had observed their practices. Our aim with its use was further clarify the issues and components of social representations of assessment procedures. The technique used to examine the records of observations and interviews was the testimony of the Content Analysis of Bardin (2004). The results, as regards the teachers who had his practice, allow us to say that the evaluation process has gained different settings. The evaluation process initiated in the classroom revealed that in to one of the teachers, the social representation of assessment procedure is defined by its continuity in terms of the amount of content, evaluation tools and activities required. The second teacher observed showed a representation of social evaluation process focused on the monitoring of pupils learning pathways of discarding the strong bias and linearity of summation. These latest findings were reinforced by testimony of the interviewees. For them, the social representation of procedural evaluation focuses on continuous monitoring, observing progress, doubts and difficulties of students. Although the group of teachers demonstrate in their depositions that ownership of concepts consistent with the new paradigm of formative assessment and recognize its validity is, in general, in conflict with the implications of these concepts to practice. These evidences show that, above all, the mechanism of anchoring is that it presents a more clear in their speeches, because that knowledge can not be leader of your practice. Our results lead us to recognize that the educational policies and training bodies should consider the social representations of the group of teachers as a starting point for the work of teacher training so that their positions do not focus on a mere repetition of ideological discourse without transformations contribute effectively to make a new evaluation


teachers educacao professores de ensino fundamental - formaÃÃo assessment procedure representaÃÃes sociais avaliaÃÃo da aprendizagem social representations

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