Automation of microbial enumeration: development of a disposable hydrophobic grid-membrane filter unit.


A disposable filter unit containing a hydrophobic grid-membrane filter (HGMF) was developed. The unit is liquid tight to serve as a specimen transport container and, by removal of the funnel extender (175- or 300-ml capacity), the unit becomes less than the height of two stacked petri plates to save space during in situ incubation. The polyethylene mesh which supports the HGMF facilitates rinse removal of any substance(s) that would interfere with microbial growth. The correlations between a pour plate, a conventional square HGMF, and a disposable filter unit on microbial enumeration were examined. Characteristics (e.g., clumping, spreading, etc.) of some microorganisms limit the linear counting range to less than 1,000 CFU per filter.

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