Automatic surface registration using spin-images / Registro automático de superfícies usando spin-image




This work describes a method based on three stages for reconstructing a model from a given set of scanned meshes obtained from 3D scanners. Meshes scanned from different scanners view points have their representation in local coordinate systems. Therefore, for final model reconstruction, an alignment of the meshes is required. The most popular algorithm for cloud data registration is the ICP algorithm. However, ICP requires an initial estimate of mesh alignment, which is, many times, done manually. To automate this process, this work uses a surface representation called spin-images to identify overlap areas between the meshes and to estimate their alignment. After this initial registration, the alignment is refined by the ICP algorithm, and finally the model is reconstructed using a method called VRIP.


reconstrução 3d range-images surface registration meshes range-images spin-images registro de superfícies 3d reconstruction matematica spin-images malhas

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