Automação e controle "on line" de uma coluna de destilação em batelada




In this work, a digital adaptative control system was developed based on a reflux rate policy to the batch distillation of the system n-hexane and n-heptane binary, aiming at the control of top molar composition of the more volatile component within a desired specification. For this project, a simulation program of a distillation column under continuous operation was used in order to characterize the steps of the batch distillation, through the variation of the hexane molar composition at the reboiler, simulating the scarcity occured during batch operation. By using the Process Reaction Curve Method of Cohen and Coon, the instantaneous values of the controller parameters were obtained. The control algorithm was tested through computational simulation and in a pilot batch column. The agreement was found to be excellent


controle de processo automação destilação

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