Autoconsciência em medidas de autorrelato e em contextos de resolução de problemas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Self-consciousness has been definied within the Psychological Science as a capacity that one has to become the object of their own consciousness. This dissertation aimed to investigate such traditional definition using theoretical and empircal procedures. Considerations on the concept of self-consciousness in the phenomenological, pragmatical and semiotic approaches suggest an understanding of self-consciouness not only as an object of consciousness, but also as an instance that is present throughout the whole human experience. This conclusion is under empirical testing in two contexts that allow the study of selfconsciousness in Psychology: self-report measures and verbalized inner speech in problem-solving tasks. In order to proceed with these two empirical studies, this dissertation had to include the adaptation to the Brazilian population of three selfreport measures related to self-consciousness: the Self-Absorption Scale, the Self- Reflection and Insight Scale and the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale. The following empirical studies suggested results related to inovations in the concept of self-consciousness to the Psychological Science, so that it would include not only its reflexive dimension, but also its pre-reflective one. Such outcomes were observed not only in the resulting dimensions of a factorial analysis of all the items from the self-report measures used in this study, but also in the verbalized inner speech of those participants who solved analytical and insight problem tasks.


self-consciousness inner speech auto-relato solução de problemas problem solving self-report measures testes psicológicos adaptação autoconsciência

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