Auto-imagem abalada: o significado do rejuvenescimento para um corpo que envelhece / Affected self-image: the meaning of rejuvenation for an aging body




The present work aimed to investigate the representations constituted in the main complaints registered on medical charts, in relation to body esthetics in a group of patients undergoing aging process, residents of São Paulo city. The bibliographic research is based on the Theory of Social Representations, and it highlights the organized symbolic processes to meet the dynamics of social representations constituted in the investigated subjects quotidian. Representations that configure themselves in contributions for the construction/ behaviour / perception of the individual and the collective. The adopted methodological procedure in this investigation was a documental research on charts of 21 patients, being 18 of female gender and 3 of male gender, between 50 and 70 years old, that had undergone rejuvenation procedures in 2003 to 2007 period. From the analysis of the contents of these documents we could select unities of analysis identified in the main complaints exposed by the patients. In this aspect the research presents the characteristics of a qualitative research. The collected data from the main complaint stated in the medical charts indicates some regularity in relation to the complaints that directly refer to a dissatisfaction with the body esthetics, and they are: flabbiness (25,80%), facial aging (25.80%), flaccidity of the tissues eyelids and breasts (19,35%), facial wrinkles (12,90%). Associated complaints occurred with 9 patients that, on account of analysis criteria, where dismissed as localized fat complaints (3,22%). Were considered in this study, data from charts of 21 patients that stated desires of same nature, i.e., plastic surgery in the rejuvenation context


servico social representações sociais body esthetics auto-percepcao estética corporal envelhecimento -- aspectos psicologicos imagem corporal social representations cirurgia plastica plastic surgery

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