âUma Proposta de Projeto Para Inversor MultinÃvel em Cascata AssimÃtrico com 63 NÃveis na TensÃo de SaÃda e OperaÃÃo em Baixa FrequÃnciaâ / "Design Proposition For a 63 Levels Output Voltage Asymmetric Multilevel Cascaded Inverter at low Frequency Operation"


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation proposes a design of a cascaded multilevel inverter using H-bridge cells in asymmetric configuration and a multiple secondary transformer. Equations for determining the frequency operation of each cell with binary and ternary configurations, as well as the complete design of toroidal transformer with laminated core. This work proposes also the optimal operating frequency of the transformer that enables reduction in core size, when compared to 60 Hz operation. It is also discussed a methodology for calculate the losses in the cells of the inverter, which are useful to determine the thermal behavior of the inverter.


engenharia eletrica engenharia elÃtrica multilevel inverters isolated, modulation staircase, transformers with multiple secondary, autonomous system of energy. eletrÃnica de potÃncia

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