Atuação das Instituições Governamentais e não-Governamentais em Projetos Ambientais no entorno do Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Minas Gerais / Performance of the Governmental and Non-Governmental Institutions in Environment Projects in the region around the National Park of Caparaó, Minas Gerais




The regions around Brazilian National Parks are occupied by country properties and, consequently, agricultural and non- agricultural activities. Law 9.985 of 18 of July of 2000 instituted the National System of Units of Conservation and, on it, the areas with measures that reach up to 10 km from the limits of the national parks, they had passed to be called damping zones. These areas, by law, had its uses regulated by the Plans of Handling of the parks, which foresee environmental taken steps to moderate the occupation and use of the ground. Thus, to the agricultural populations and others institutions and organizations of civil society in the regions around the national parks, among them, the National Park of Caparaó, which is attributed responsibility for the environmental conservation of the park and its region. Then, this study presents, as a main objective, to investigate the logic of performance between the institutions that act in the National Park of Caparaó and in its region. As they act on the population and how the population relates with these institutions, specifically in the cities of Manhumirim, Alto Caparaó and Espera Feliz, situated in the state of Minas Gerais. For the accomplishment of the research they had been used as methodology procedures, interviews with the main institutions and organizations which operate in the region and the application of questionnaires with the inhabitants of region around the park. The environmental projects had been analyzed according to the notion of development. A final analysis on the compass was gotten, about the performance of the institutions and the organizations, its limitations as responsible agents for the environmental conservation and local net income, in this, the case of the region around the Park of Caparaó the limitations had been still more apparent in the conceptions of the agricultural populations and in the conception of institutions about the structure of the territory and the territoriality. Therefore, considering the concepts of territory and territoriality, according to vision of Geography, can be inferred that: 1- the National Park of Caparaó exists while territory, but still in the perspectives naturalistic and relational; 2- It is necessary to the park constitutes in a territory under the idealistic and integrator perspectives to reach the territorial development. The absences of identity with the park, the lack of apprehension of its reality by the inhabitants characterize the lack of territoriality, observed since the process of creation of the park. Besides, it there is the prevalence of agricultural inhabitants that hadnt received technical assistance. They dont participate in any associations and they dont receive incentives to adopt agriculturists practical that conciliate income and net income to environmental conservation, which demonstrate that many obstacles still must to be exceeded in order to permit man and nature live together in the same territory.


territorial development desenvolvimento territorial environmental conservation meio ambiente parque nacional national park extensao rural

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