AtuaÃÃo responsÃvel: aÃÃes e percepÃÃes sobre responsabilidade sÃcioambiental na indÃstria quÃmica brasileira




This work focuses to the theme Responsible CareÂ: Action and Perceptions on Socio-environmental Responsibility in the Brazilian Chemical Industry, of investigative nature, aimed to investigate which point of recognition of the urgency of action for the protection and the development of the social and environmental aspects in Brazil are perceived and disclosed in daily of the managers of the Responsible Care Program in the context of the Brazilian Chemical Industry. For in such a way an evaluation of this Program implemented in Brazil was carried through, using as source of information, reports emitted by the Brazilian Chemical Industries Association - ABIQUIM, specific publications and others of interest, for containing thematic correlated and of importance for the final conclusions of the work. Moreover, a research with the managers of the Responsible Care Program of the chemical industries in Brazil was made. Through this research carried through together to the Managers of the Responsible Care Program it was possible to identify terms and expressions that compose the central nucleus, as it is known, of the social representation of the Chemical Industry, according to perception of these leaderships. We can thus conclude, according to perception of the coordinators of the Responsible Care Program, for the existence of a social representation in the context of the Brazilian chemical industry, which reveals a strong concern with the named sustainable development, especially in that it refers to the environmental aspects and of the quality of life - although in the practical way, it has been apprehended only through the documental analysis and by the answers of the questionnaire - demonstrating not to act in a systemic and homogeneous form, with pro-activity and in an ample way for the improvement of the socio-environmental, disclosing a position still very strong in action that specially aim at the improvement of the internal results and only intramural ones


atuaÃÃo responsÃvel representaÃÃo social adequacao ambiental social representation responsible care program responsabilidade social corporativa corporative social responsibility

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