AtuaÃÃo do MinistÃrio PÃblico do Trabalho como Ãrbitro nos dissÃdios individuais de competÃncia da JustiÃa do Trabalho




We live in a world filled with financial difficulties and endless social problems. Nothing but a world guided by an increasing and striking conflituosity could be originated from this panorama. This scenery is particularly aggravated when it comes to working conflicts and chiefly individuals, which can be daily seen by its millions at courts and competent juries. Close to this, an irritating and inefficient confirmed delay, of the jurisdictional installment, collaborates for a higher conflituosity. Inspiring, in a sense that relieves its endemic scene, are the new social conflicts resolution Patterns are inspiring; in a sense (or in a way) that relieves its endemic scene, in an extrajudicial form â especially mediation, conciliation and arbitration - each day even more valued by the legislator, the indoctrinators and the native working Jurisprudence that long ago fought it in a vehement form. We emphasize that the causes of all this problems are not the complete responsibility of the actual broken judicial problem solving. In addition, the search by extrajudicial or private solution, on its own, will not mean an immediate improvement on the jurisdictional installment, but, only a small relieve. What happens is that the state model of working conflicts resolution finds itself worn out and has aggravated the problems whenever they go. In this longed evolution, we do have to gradually implement, and with responsibility, these not so new legal juridical codes, so that the constitutional rights that are directed to an equilibrium on the employer â employee social relationship donât be without its necessary lair. Those institutesâ improvements, in parallel to the recrudescence and the valorization of our Labor Justice, will only bring benefits to the citizens that are in the need of our justice services. So, it is based on this search for a solution of the uncoated bankruptcy of the present jurisdictional model that we intend to scientifically contribute to all of those who are closely connected to the Work Justice that, actually, seems to be asleep on its hidden doctrinaires: the possibility of using the arbitration institute/code on behalf of the Public Work Ministry, to solve working conflicts, whether they are collective or individuals. We say that it seems to be asleep inasmuch as the first legal normalization exists since the promulgation of the Complementary Law 75/93, i.e., 10 (ten) years ago; and, even so, few doctrinaires tried to go deep on this subject and it ministerial arbitrational sentences are rare. This is our goal, to which we invite the reader to share it with us


ministÃrio pÃblico do trabalho justiÃa do trabalho dissÃdios individuais direito

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