Attenuation in SV40 as a mechanism of transcription-termination by RNA polymerase B.


Nuclei which were isolated from SV40 infected cells with a hypotonic detergent-free buffer were used to establish in vitro conditions which lead to transcription-termination at the attenuation site of SV40. This system allowed us to identify regulatory elements involved in transcription-termination by RNA polymerase B transcribing SV40. Transcription-termination at the attenuation site was found to be ionic strength dependent. Efficient termination occurred at low (100 mM NaCl) but not at high (100 mM (NH4)2 SO4 or 300 mM NaCl) ionic strength. When nuclei were prewashed with 300 mM NaCl, the efficiency of transcription-termination was low even when transcription was carried out at low ionic strength (100 mM NaCl). Efficient transcription-termination in the high salt prewashed nuclei was reconstituted by complementation with a high salt (300 mM NaCl) soluble factor extracted from nuclei of uninfected cells. In addition, the efficiency of transcription-termination was significantly reduced when ITP replaced GTP in the transcription reaction mixture. Our data indicate that a nuclear factor and RNA secondary structure are essential regulatory elements involved in transcription-termination by RNA polymerase B.

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