Atrofia muscular no envenenamento por Bothrops jararacussu : contribuição da lesão nervosa e muscular




Bothrops jararacussu snake venom produces necrosis of muscles fibers and the pathogenesis of the myonecrosis is well established. At the present, we evaluated whether nerve lesions or impaired muscle regeneration would contribute to the permanent loss of muscular mass, a hallmark of long tenn envenomation. The sciatic nerve and right soleus muscle of adult mice was injected with B. jararacussu crude venom and the muscle and nerve oí other animal group were used as a control, receiving saline injection. Afier one week to 2 months, muscles and nerve were dissected out and intramuscular nerve bundles, Schwann cells and neuromuscu1arjunctions were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Muscle regeneration was evaluated by counting the number of central nucleated fibers in HE cross sections of soleus afier 3 months. In the venom-treated group, nerve fibers, Schwann cells and neuromuscu1arjunctions had regenerated. The number of regeneratedmuscle fibers dramatical1ydecreased(617 ::I::48 for the venom-treated group and 1235 ::I:: 97 or the control group). It is suggested that the loss of muscular mass is most likely related to a decrease in muscle ability to regenerated, rather than to nerve lesions, afierB.jararacussuenvenomation


musculos - regeneração doenças neuromusculares veneno sistema nervoso - regeneração

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