Atribuições causais em situações de performance musical pública


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aimed to investigate the causes attributed by undergraduate music students in situations considered of failure and success in public musical performance. The Attributional Theory seeks to understand the causes that lead individuals to have results of success or failure. Located within the context of Social Cognitive Motivation, its main objective is to know people s beliefs, which would be their conceptions of success and failure, as well as how they are involved with their learning process. Weiner stands out as the main author who has developed and expanded the theory, having divided it into two perspectives: intrapersonal and interpersonal. The first perspective concerns causes related to the individual s own feelings and self-directed thoughts. The second is related to feelings and thoughts addressed by others. The Attributional Theory incorporates feelings, thoughts and actions of the individual. To achieve so, one observes a causal sequence in which, starting from a result, the individual seeks a cause and creates a positive or negative feeling about it, which interferes in the way a person acts before a new situation. The Methodology used was the Survey and the data were collected through questionnaire Involving 130 undergraduate music students of southern Brazil. The date were subjected to statistical tests and analyzed and categorized from the perspective of attribution theory of Weiner. The results show that in situations considered as successful the most attributed causes are effort (77.7%), persistence (65.4%), and interest in the presentation (63.1%), whereas in situations considered as failures the most important factors are emotional aspects (60.8%), difficulty of the task (36.2%), and lack of effort (30.8%). From the analysis, one can observe that the instrumental practice undergoes changes according to its nature and the context of the task, the expertise of the player, experience prior to the performance, personal differences, and also student¿s motivation.


performance musical motivation musical education motivação : música musica : ensino superior musical public performance attributional theory causalidade educação musical

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